imac pro 接显示器_您应该购买iMac Pro,还是等待模块化Mac Pro重新设计?
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imac pro 接显示器

imac pro 接显示器

When Apple refreshed the venerable Mac Pro desktop in 2013, reception was mixed to say the least. While the second-gen machine’s tiny footprint and polished case (aka the “trash can”) are certainly eye-catching, and there’s an undeniable amount of engineering in its design, the official line that only the memory can be upgraded after purchase put off a lot of power users.

苹果在2013年更新了古老的Mac Pro桌面时,至少可以说是喜忧参半。 虽然第二代机器的微小占用空间和抛光外壳(也称为“垃圾桶”)非常引人注目,并且其设计中存在不可否认的工程设计,但官方的说法是,只有购买后才能升级内存很多高级用户。

Apple has apparently taken those criticisms to heart, publicly declaring that with a traditionally modular construction, allowing parts to be swapped and upgraded like a standard desktop. But in the meantime, they’ve also introduced a brand new machine: . This all-in-one is a souped-up version of the iMac with a server class Intel Xeon processor, a discrete graphics card, and a jaw-dropping 5K display. It’s a drool-worthy machine, to be sure, but should the media production pro shell out for one or wait for the more flexible Mac Pro? Since the new iMac is going on sale in December at a starting price of $5000 (no, that’s not a typo), anyone who wants one will need to start saving pennies right away.

苹果显然已经将这些批评引起了人们的注意,公开宣称 ,它具有传统的模块化结构,可以像标准台式机一样交换和升级部件。 但与此同时,他们还推出了全新的机器: 。 这款多功能一体机是iMac的增强版本,具有服务器级Intel Xeon处理器,独立显卡和令人惊叹的5K显示屏。 可以肯定地说,这是一台值得一口的机器,但是媒体制作专业人士应该选择购买一台还是等待更灵活的Mac Pro? 由于新的iMac将于12月份开始销售,起价为5000美元(不,这不是错字),所以任何想要购买iMac的人都需要立即开始节省几分钱。

Let’s break it down. For ease of reading, the current, compact Mac Pro model will be referred to as the “trash can Mac Pro” below (no insult intended) while the upcoming model will be the modular Mac Pro.

让我们分解一下。 为便于阅读,下面将当前紧凑的Mac Pro型号称为“ Mac Pro垃圾桶”(无侮辱性),而即将推出的型号为模块化Mac Pro。

iMac Pro是强大的力量… (The iMac Pro Is a Powerhouse…)

Since the iMac Pro is still half a year away, we’ll have to rely on what Apple tells us for its technical capabilities. Even taking the company at its word, the new machine will pull no punches when it comes to performance. Xeon processors in 8, 10, and 18-core varieties will be offered—Apple isn’t saying which models it will pack in there, but based on today’s availability, those would easily be some of the fastest chips ever put into an all-in-one machine. They’re also a significant upgrade over the current trash can-shaped Mac Pro, which maxes out with a 12-core, 30MB-cache Xeon E5 (already a year old). The iMac Pro will double the current Mac Pro’s maximum memory capacity (128GB), quadruple the maximum storage (4TB of SSD), and come with newer AMD industrial graphics options.

由于距iMac Pro还有半年的时间,因此我们必须依靠Apple告诉我们的技术功能。 即使是信守公司承诺,新机器在性能方面也不会受到任何影响。 将提供8、10和18核版本的Xeon处理器-苹果并没有说它将在其中包装哪些型号,但是根据今天的可用性,这些处理器很容易成为有史以来最快的所有芯片,一机多用。 与目前的垃圾桶状Mac Pro相比,它们也是重要的升级,它配备了12核,30MB缓存Xeon E5(已使用一年)。 iMac Pro将使当前Mac Pro的最大内存容量(128GB)翻一番,最大存储容量(4TB SSD)翻两番,并配备更新的AMD工业图形选件。

In short, assuming you’re willing to pay for the upgrades, the the iMac Pro will blow the current Mac Pro out of the water in terms of pure number-crunching power. And with a revised model on the horizon and an all-in-one to upsell in the meantime, Apple is unlikely to grant the current Mac Pro another upgrade cycle before it’s replaced.

简而言之,假设您愿意为升级支付费用,则iMac Pro将以纯粹的数字处理能力将当前的Mac Pro吹倒。 鉴于即将推出的修订版机型以及同时进行多合一销售的方式,Apple不太可能在更换Mac Pro之前为当前Mac Pro授予另一个升级周期。

…但是新的Mac Pro可能会更强大 (…But the New Mac Pro Will Probably Be Even More Powerful)

Apple should know better than anyone at this point that cramming server-class components into a tiny space comes with some of its own limitations. That being the case, the iMac Pro is going to run into some of the same problems that the current Mac Pro has: efficiently cooling incredibly powerful chips, managing internal space, and keeping all of those components in an optimal configuration. Add to that some extra hurdles thanks to the all-in-one format, like placing ports at user-accessible spots, keeping electrical and thermal interference away from the integrated screen and speakers, and so on.

在这一点上,苹果应该比任何人都知道,将服务器级组件塞入一个很小的空间有其自身的一些局限性。 既然如此,iMac Pro将会遇到与当前Mac Pro相同的一些问题:有效地冷却功能强大的芯片,管理内部空间以及将所有这些组件保持在最佳配置中。 由于采用了多合一格式,因此增加了一些额外的障碍,例如将端口放置在用户可访问的位置,使电和热干扰远离集成的屏幕和扬声器等。

So as powerful as the iMac Pro will be, there’s going to be a point of diminishing returns, and engineering updated systems to deal with updating hardware from Intel and other vendors will be a time consuming and expensive process. It won’t be unreasonable to expect a gap of more than a year, perhaps two or three, between even standard CPU upgrades for the integrated all-in-one system. And for a machine in which no internal part will be user-accessible (not even the RAM, ), that’s a fact worth considering before a purchase.

因此,与iMac Pro一样强大的功能将带来收益递减的问题,设计更新系统以处理来自英特尔和其他供应商的更新硬件将是一个耗时且昂贵的过程。 集成多合一系统的标准CPU升级之间的间隔可能不会超过一年,也许是两到三年,这是不合理的。 对于没有内部部件可供用户访问的机器( 甚至没有RAM),在购买之前,这是一个值得考虑的事实。

Assuming that the new, modular Mac Pro will be fairly similar to the original pre-trash can design, incorporating a more standard desktop tower that grants easy access to most if not all internal components, it will sidestep all of the more complex engineering problems of both its predecessor and the iMac Pro. It’ll basically be Apple building a branded, refined version of an enthusiast desktop PC or low-cost industrial server. Not only will that probably mean that the initial offering comes with more powerful options than the iMac Pro, but both subsequent official updates and end user upgrades will be easier.

假设新的模块化Mac Pro将与原始垃圾桶的设计非常相似,并采用更标准的台式机塔架,可以轻松访问大多数(如果不是全部)内部组件,它将避免所有更复杂的工程问题。它的前身和iMac Pro。 从根本上说,这将是苹果公司打造的发烧级台式PC或低成本工业服务器的品牌,改进版本。 这不仅意味着最初的产品具有比iMac Pro更强大的选项,而且随后的官方更新和最终用户升级都将更加容易。

…并且可升级 (…And Upgradeable)

The older tower-style Mac Pro was easy to upgrade at home.
较旧的塔式Mac Pro在家里很容易升级。

If you take Apple’s commitment to a new “modular” Mac Pro at face value, every major component should be user-replaceable: RAM, graphics card (or cards, as the case may be), CPU (or CPUs, ditto), storage. That’s a huge plus for anyone spending multiple thousands of dollars on a professional machine. And not just in the sense of longevity—Apple famously marks up relatively inexpensive components like RAM when selling directly on the Apple Store. The Mac Pro might be the first opportunity in years for spendthrift Apple fans to get the base model and save serious cash on memory, GPU, and storage components right out of the gate.

如果您遵循Apple承诺的新“模块化” Mac Pro的面值,则每个主要组件都应该是用户可更换的:RAM,图形卡(视情况而定),CPU(或CPU,同上),存储空间。 对于在专业机器上花费数千美元的任何人来说,这都是巨大的好处。 不仅仅是从长寿的意义上讲,Apple直接在Apple Store上出售时就以RAM等相对便宜的组件着称。 Mac Pro可能是多年来节俭的Apple粉丝获得基本型号并立即节省大量内存,GPU和存储组件现金的第一个机会。

…甚至更便宜 (…And Maybe Even Cheaper)

The iMac Pro will have a starting price of $5000. Even for Apple, even for a machine aimed squarely at the creator market, that’s a huge amount of cash for a modern computer… and the price will only go up with component upgrades. At the moment, the trash can Mac Pro starts at “just” $3000 for a 6-core Xeon model with 16GB of RAM and a rather paltry 256GB SSD. Removing the manufacturing burden and custom PCB fabrication in that teeny-tiny case could save Apple serious dough, even if it . Between a cheaper, more roomy build, fewer expensive custom components, and not having to build in a pro graphics-ready 5K LCD panel with each machine, it’s just possible that the modular Mac Pro will stay the same price as the trash can Mac Pro or (gasp!) maybe even be a little cheaper.

iMac Pro的起价为5000美元。 即使对于苹果公司来说,甚至对于一台专门针对创作者市场的机器来说,这对于现代计算机来说都是一笔巨款……价格只会随着组件升级而上涨。 目前,对于配备16GB RAM和相当微不足道的256GB SSD的6核Xeon机型,Mac Pro的垃圾桶起价仅为“ 3000美元”。 在那种很小的情况下,消除了制造负担和定制的PCB制造,即使苹果 ,也可以节省大量的面团。 在更便宜,更宽敞的构造,更少昂贵的自定义组件之间,而不必在每台机器上都内置专业图形就绪的5K LCD面板之间,模块化Mac Pro可能会保持与垃圾桶Mac Pro相同的价格。或(惊天动地!)甚至更便宜一些。

Of course, for anyone willing to put down three to five grand on a new PC, saving a paltry few hundred dollars might seem like something that’s unimportant. But consider that the difference between an iMac Pro and a modular Mac Pro could buy multiple 4K monitors, high-speed storage drives, extra GPUs, and all kinds of extra goodies to make your new machine pop. The only thing you won’t be able to get (according to Apple, anyway) are those slick-looking Space Grey keyboards, mice, and trackpads.

当然,对于愿意在新PC上放三到五台PC的人来说,节省微不足道的几百美元似乎并不重要。 但是请考虑一下,iMac Pro和模块化Mac Pro之间的区别是可以购买多台4K显示器,高速存储驱动器,额外的GPU和各种额外的配件,以使您的新机器流行起来。 无论如何,唯一无法获得的东西(根据Apple的说法)是那些看起来像油滑的Space Gray键盘,鼠标和触控板。

The point is that for both IT managers and independent operators, the modular Mac Pro will probably represent a significant savings opportunity in the niche of super-powered Apple hardware, both at the initial purchase and in terms of longevity. Even for products with Apple’s “magical” mystique, it’s worth considering.

关键是,对于IT经理和独立运营商而言,无论是在首次购买时还是在使用寿命方面,模块化Mac Pro都将在超级功能的Apple硬件市场中代表大量的节约机会。 即使对于具有苹果“神奇”神秘色彩的产品,也值得考虑。

那么你应该买哪一个呢? (So Which One Should You Buy?)

On paper, everything seems to suggest that the new modular Mac Pro will be a smarter buy for almost everyone. (That sound you hear is desktop enthusiasts all over the world agreeing with me.) For raw power, for price, for upgrade potential and “futureproofing,” it’s clearly better to wait until later in 2018 when the new model is ready.

从表面上看,一切似乎都表明,新的模块化Mac Pro将是几乎每个人都更明智的选择。 (您听到的声音是全世界的台式机发烧友都同意我的看法。)对于原始功率,价格,升级潜力和“面向未来”,最好在2018年晚些时候准备好新型号。

That said, the iMac Pro does have some less technical benefits. The all-in-one nature of the machine means it will travel well, a feature that Apple tried and failed to sell on the trash can Mac Pro. Even laden with heavy components and a metal body, the iMac Pro will be easier to lug home for a weekend or off to a trade show venue than a full-sized desktop and accompanying inputs. And of course, it will be more aesthetically pleasing than any modular Mac Pro Apple can design—that’s another reason so many compromises were made with the trash can version. Part of the undeniable appeal of Apple hardware is its looks, and the iMac Pro has it in spades.

也就是说,iMac Pro确实具有一些技术优势。 该机的多合一特性意味着它将运行良好,这是Apple尝试并未能在Mac Pro垃圾桶上出售的一项功能。 即使配备了笨重的部件和金属机身,iMac Pro也比全尺寸的台式机和随附的输入设备更容易将其拖到周末或前往贸易展览会场地。 当然,这将比Apple可以设计的任何模块化Mac Pro更加美观-这是垃圾桶版本做出许多折衷的另一个原因。 苹果硬件不可否认的吸引力之一就是它的外观,而iMac Pro则是黑桃色。

On that note, I’d say it’s probably a good idea to wait for Apple to reveal the design of the modular Mac Pro in any case. Sure, you’ll be waiting (and saving) based on assumptions rooted in the older model, but for such a valuable piece of technology with so many possible benefits, patience will be a virtue. But if you’re smitten with the all-in-one design and sex appeal of the iMac Pro, go ahead and put your money down.

关于这一点,我想在任何情况下等待苹果展示模块化Mac Pro的设计可能是一个好主意。 当然,您将基于旧模型中的假设进行等待(并节省),但是对于如此有价值的技术,它具有如此之多的潜在好处,耐心将是一种美德。 但是,如果您对iMac Pro的多合一设计和性感着迷,请继续进行下去,花掉您的钱。

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